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It’s time to protect kids from lead.

The Protect Kids from Lead Coalition is dedicated to safeguarding our children from the harmful effects of lead exposure through their drinking water. The Coalition brings together leaders from a variety of industries who all carry the same objective: to protect kids from lead exposure and fight for a safer future.

Over 170 million Americans alive today were exposed to high lead levels in early childhood.
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CDC estimates that approximately 500,000 children in the United States have elevated blood lead levels.
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There is no safe level for human exposure to lead.

Lead is a highly toxic metal that can have irreversible neurological and behavioral effects, especially for children under age 6. Lead exposure is especially dangerous to children’s developing brains and can result in reduced intelligence quotient (IQ), attention span, impaired learning ability, and increased risk of behavioral problems.

Children are exposed to lead in the very places where they should be safest and most nurtured: at home, their classrooms and daycare.

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We can make a change.

The Protect Kids from Lead Coalition supports the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI), which lowers lead action levels, speeds up lead pipe replacements, and enhances testing and public transparency.

LCRI represents one of the most significant and impactful measures for addressing lead in our drinking water and will play a crucial role in protecting public health—particularly for children—and ensuring safe drinking water for all communities. This marks a transformative step forward in the fight to remove all lead pipes in the U.S. and significantly reduce lead contamination in drinking water, one of the most common sources of lead.

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The fight against lead poisoning requires us all to act.

The time to protect our children from lead poisoning and ensure safe drinking water is now. We urge you to reach out to members of Congress and demand their support for LCRI. Your voice can help secure a safer future for our kids and communities.

Together, we can make a lasting impact.

Join us as we Protect Kids from Lead!

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